About Professional Safety Associates, Inc
We would like to thank you for choosing Professional Safety Associates, Inc. as an important part in fulfilling your company’s regulatory and customer specific requirements.
With a growing concern for regulatory compliance and more importantly, maintaining an environmentally safe and healthy workplace, our services at Professional Safety Associates, Inc. can provide you, and your employees, with the tools to satisfy all your Health, Safety, and Environmental requirements and more!

By taking an old principle and adding an innovative twist, we at Professional Safety Associates, Inc. have taken a new approach to Health, Safety, and the Environment. Priding ourselves as a “Full Service Safety Company,” we have set up the numerous services and training paths to help meet today’s HSE requirements.
With the establishment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, all companies with ten or more employees have become subject to compliance with the Department of Labor, better known as OSHA, and its Code of Federal Regulations. Also, the growing trend of an “environmentally conscious” society has called for stricter laws from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Texas Environmental Quality Commission, the Texas Railroad Commission, and other regulatory agencies.
With this in mind, Professional Safety Associates, Inc. has set out to provide its clients with a complete turn-key and affordable solution for their HSE concerns. With our trained and experienced staff of consultants, we have taken a new approach to HSE Management. Understanding that not all company budgets allow for the employment of HSE Personnel, we offer an affordable way to manage your HSE program without sacrificing quality. We offer a First-Class Quality HSE program tailored to our clients’ individual needs. Whether it’s enhancing your current HSE Program or helping you develop a program, Professional Safety Associates, Inc. has the solution for your HSE requirements!